(note: essays
without hyperlinks are not yet available)
1. Where
Does Knowledge Come From?
2. The
World Prepared for Darwin, and the World He Made
3. Original
Sin in the Garden of Science?
4. Creation
Provides No Mechanisms for the Origin of Biological Designs? Neither
Does Evolution!
5. The
Relationship of Science to Biblical Faith
6. Design
in Living Things Points to God the Creator
7. What
Do Fossils Prove? Or, Are Dem Bones Connected?
8. The
Ultimate Design
9. Evolution
or Creation--Does It Matter? (Part One)
10. Evolution
or Creation--Does It Matter? (Part Two)
11. Do
Similarities Prove Evolution From a Common Ancestor?
12. What
About the "Gill Slits" In Human Embryos?
13. Christians
in a Scientific Age
14. More Divine
15. Do All Fossils
Appear In Evolutionary Order?
The Creation Alternative Should Be
Included In the
Study of Origins in
Public Schools
17. Living Together
or Fighting Enemies by Divine Design
18. Evidence
for a Young Earth
19. Radiometric
Dating Methods: Are They Certain?
20. What About
Carbon-14 Dating?
21. A Genesis
Creation Model for Biology
22. Is Special
Creation Conducive to Good Science?
23. Creation
Provides a Proper Conceptual Framework for Biology
24. Stress Points
Between Evolution and Creation
25. More Stress
Points Between Evolution and Creation
26. Faith Horses,
Science Carts, and the National Academy of Sciences
27. Theistic
Evolution--No Real Answers & a Barrel of Problems
28. How Long
Were the Days of Creation?
29. Evolution,
A Faith for the Future?
30. The Mysteries
of Life
31. The Design
Argument Analyzed
32. Does
Classical Genetics Support Creation or Evolution?
33. Evolution--the
Religious Connection
34. Creation
and the Christian Witness and Participation in Society
35. The Logic
of the Argument for Creation and Against Evolution
36. Classification
of Species Points to Divinely Designed Types
37. The Science
Class--A Kangaroo Court Kremlin Style
38. Evolution
and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
39. Evolution
and Creation: Equally Non-Scientific, Equally Religious, Equally
40. Geology and
the Global Flood
41. Why Should
Christians Believe in Divine Special Creation?
42. Man
from Apes: Has Science Proved It Yet?
43. Solving an
Old Bible Problem: Easing Up Adam's First Day
44. Probability
and the Origin of Life
45. The
Scientific Case for Evolution Has Never Been Proved!
For Further Study