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The Creation Explanation

Creation Explanation Man in His World

Creationist Interpretations of Fossil Man Data

What conclusions can be drawn from the remains of fossil man and what interpretation developed which accords with the biblical record of creation? First, let us review some general conclusions from the fossil record and then offer an overall interpretation which fits the data.

1. The fossil record does not prove the thesis that ape-like creatures slowly evolved upward through increasingly man-like beings until modern man arrived on the scene. As was indicated earlier, all proposed sequences of hominid ancestors to humans display gaps, missing intermediate types. And there are examples, largely ignored, of "modern" and "primitive" types which apparently existed at the same time, according to the standard sequence of sedimentary deposits, the so-called geologic column.

2. Homo erectus, Australopithecus and other similar fossil types were probably simply animals. The rare seemingly cultural materials found near some fossils of these types were possibly simply animals. The rare seemingly cultural materials found near some fossils of these types were possibly the products of human beings who left no fossils in those sites.

3. Neanderthal was undoubtedly true man, intelligent and possessing a spiritual nature. Perhaps these people were a degenerate branch of the human race which had suffered some degenerative, changing downward, not upward.

4. The fossils with skulls more similar to the average of modern types probably represent true man, even in the cases where no associated cultural materials were found.

Now we will offer an integrated interpretation of the fossil, archaeological and other data, which is adapted from the writings of Arthur C. Custance.45 This scheme is designed to accord with the biblical record of the creation and history of Adam's race.

1. In the beginning God created all things abruptly, comlete and in functional form. The first man, Adam, was a perfect natural man, made in the image of God, holy and as perfectly in fellowship with a holy God as a natural man can be. He was at first alone, and God then formed Eve from his side.

2. Adam's sin of disobedience against the will of God ruined Adam and the race which was in him, broke his fellowship with God, plunged the race into an estate of sin and misery, and made Adam and the entire race subject to the wrath of God against sin, bringing a curse upon the race and upon all of creation.

3. Soon various degenerative influences began to produce in the human race and all other species deleterious effects, for example, genetic mutations, moral decline, and social disruption.

4. Nevertheless, there was rapid development of culture and technology brought into being by the vast creative capabilities of the human mind.

5. A period of global catastrophes, in particular a global flood, devastated and reformed the earth's surface, reducing the human population almost to extinction, to just eight divinely chosen people.

6. Much of the previously developed culture and technology was retained by the survivors, so that civilization was able to blossom rapidly after the flood.

7. Peoples spread out rapidly from the Middle East, moving out in small groups to establish outposts ever farther from the center.

8. As a result of crude living conditions, promoted by the more rapid genetic variation which characteristic of small population groups, some of the pioneer populations tended to degenerate rapidly, both physically and culturally, as they radiated farther from the center of human origins in the Middle East. This explains the larger number of "primitive" fossil types found in more inaccessible and more distant parts of the Eurasian land mass.

9. Subsequent waves of peoples from the Middle Eastern center later swept over the degenerate tribes, forcing them into extinction, assimilation and intermarriage, or out into more remote areas, where their degeneration was accelerated. With their final extinction or reabsorption, the stage was set for the ancient recorded history of the human race.



45. Custance, Arthur C. in Why Not Creation?, Walter Lammerts, Editor (Presbyterian and Reformed, Philadelphia, 1970), pp. 194-229; _________, Creation Research Soc. Quarterly, Vol. 11, Dec. 1974, pp. 157-159.

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