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Section 1: What is Science?

History From the Beginning

The Need to Correct Distorted Science: A Challenge to Christian Students, Teachers and Scientists

Today in the twentieth century, science, education and all of scholarship have come under the domination of people who do not believe in the Christian faith of the Bible or in the God of creation. Unfortunately, those who today control science and education have adopted a false definition of science. They teach that science by definition requires scientists to believe something. They teach that scientists must believe that they are investigating a universe which is totally materialistic and that everything in it is a product solely of time, chance and naturalistic physical and biological evolution. They reject the possibility that God--if He exists--has ever influenced or is able to influence what happens inside of the universe which scientists study. They have distorted the definition of science by inserting into it these, their personal beliefs. The fact is, however, that nobody's beliefs belong in the definition of science. As we have shown, a proper definition of science is neutral toward the beliefs of scientists. It leaves all scientists free to believe as they choose. It only requires them to abide by the rules of the method.

Because of the false, distorted definition of science which is now held by so many scientists and taught in all of the tax-funded schools, colleges and universities and also in the majority of private institutions, Christian believers often suffer discrimination and even serious injury to their careers. This ought not so to be. Christians should have the same freedoms and opportunities in science and education as do atheists, Buddhists, or any other religionists. It is important that Christian students and teachers understand these things well. It is also important that Christian students stand up for what they believe, regardless of the cost. It is important that all Christians work to change those things in the world which are wrong, to make them better. It is important for Christians in science and education to work for the correction of the distorted definition of science. They should strive to make science, education and all of scholarship a free enterprise, open to anybody who is willing to work in accord with the rules of the method. None should feel afraid to stand up for themselves or their beliefs, but all should be willing that they and everybody else be judged solely on the quality of their performance. Then each person will have the opportunity of demonstrating the value of his or her beliefs by the quality of personal performance--in accord with the rules of the method. The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees to every citizen the right to this equality of liberty and opportunity in all tax-funded institutions.

Christian teachers of science--in home schools, private Christian schools, and tax-funded schools--should make it a matter of top priority to give all of their students the correct understanding of what science is. With this knowledge students have a basis for defending their right to equal participation in science, scholarship and education. Christian teachers should also give their students, especially Christian students, a correct understanding of their constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. And all Christian students should understand their responsibility to promote these rights and freedoms wherever they find teachers and schools undermining them.

In other words, science, scholarship and education are potential arenas in which Christians may bear an effective witness to God's truth--responsibly, respectfully, intelligently, courageously--and all for the glory of God.

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