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The Dwelling Place
A Ministry of Being
The State of Being
The Plight of Man
Conformed to this World
Transformed to His Image
Transformation Proclamation
In His Image
God's Call
A Personal Inventory
A Spiritual Survey
The Man
The Woman
Marriage Roles
Becoming One
The Giver of Life

Why did you accept the Lord?
What do you want from Him?

What has God done for you?
What has He given you?
Is it enough?

Is He your blessing?
Are you blessed?

What worth is God to you?
Compared to your stuff?
Where would you rank God in your life?

Write your own spiritual resume.
How will it stand up? - Will it?
Can it? - Should it?
How would you grade it?
How would God grade it?

What do you have?
What should you have?
Is dying gain?

Is living in Him worthwhile?
Worth giving your life for?

What advice or council would you give yourself in the light of the above?
Where are you in Christ?

Remember - when you stand before God
No one will read Him your resume

The only things God will see, are the times you lived in Christ, totally yielded to His will.


So, die now and live in Him, transformed to His image,
as your reasonable service.

It is all that matters - All that counts eternally!


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